
A Javascript Debugger without Using the Built-in Runtime Inspector
- "Tati" means "Toddle" -
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Simple Demo Dual Debuggers

You can change the code, and also toggle breakpoints by clicking on the gutter.
Use Start to begin debugging the code.
Use Step for Stepping through and use Continue for going until the next breakpoint or end.

You can change the code, but toggling breakpoints and also highlighting the next line is deactivated because ace editor is not loaded (Check your internet connection!)
Use Start to begin debugging the code.
Use Step for Stepping through and use Continue for going until the next breakpoint or end.

function print(x) {
	// pre is defined in the environment 

for(let j=0;
Next Step
Watched Variables
Print Output

Non-JSON objects like pre in this example are printed as {} here, but in the callback you can access the object itself.

Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Arash Kazemi <contact.arash.kazemi@gmail.com>
(Tati project is subject to the terms of BSD-2-Clause License, for more information see the LICENSE file in the root directory of the project)